Harga iPhone 4S di Indonesia


Seperti yang yang telah diberitakan sebelumnya tentang kehadiran iPhone 4S, iBox Indonesia sebagai authorized reseller Apple di Indonesia, akhirnya mengumumkan bahwa penjualan perangkat dari Apple ini akan dilepas ke publik tanggal 27 Januari 2012.

Untuk perangkat yang dilengkapi dengan kamera 8 megapiksel ini, iBox Indonesia menawarkan harga Rp 7,7 juta untuk versi 16GB, Rp 8,8 juta untuk 32GB, dan Rp 9,9 juta untuk yang 64GB, dengan operator Telkomsel.

Sementara itu kerjasama antara iBox dengan operator XL menjual varian iPhone 4S ini dimulai dengan untuk yang 16GB-7.999 jt, 32GB-9.199 jt, 64GB-10.399jt , seperti yang diumukan oleh akun twitter @iBox, iPhone 4S sendiri memang sudah ditunggu-tunggu oleh masyarakat Indonesia, mengingat selama ini iPhone 4S selalu ‘numpang lewat’, karena hanya singgah di Singapura, Australia dan Malaysia.

Mungkin bagi Anda penggemar smartphone dari Apple, tak akan melewatkan kesempatan ini.

Aplikasi Untuk Ramadhan

Smartphone dan beragam aplikasinya kian populer digunakan untuk menunjang berbagai aktivitas, tak terkecuali untuk kegiatan selama bulan ramadan. Para developer pun menyediakan segudang aplikasi yang bermanfaat untuk membantu kegiatan ibadah di bulan puasa.

Aplikasi tidak terbatas hanya untuk jenis smartphone tertentu saja, mulai dari iPhone, smartphone Android, Nokia dan BlackBerry, semua memiliki sederet aplikasi islami.

Untuk iPhone salah satunya ada iPray untuk mengetahui waktu sholat di seluruh dunia dan memberitahukan arah kiblat. Selain iPray ada juga Guidance Pray, iQuran, My Quran, dan iSubha. Aplikasi ini juga bisa digunakan di iPad.

BlackBerry App World milik Research In Motion (RIM) juga menyediakan aplikasi islami untuk orang dewasa hingga games untuk anak-anak. Bulan kemarin, pembesut BlackBerry ini merilis 10 aplikasi islami untuk tablet BlackBerry PlayBook dan tiga aplikasi untuk BlackBerry.

Uniknya RIM tak hanya fokus menyajikan aplikasi islami, tapi seperti dikatakan Mike Al Mefleh, Regional Product Manager RIM, mereka juga memasukkan aspek lainnya seperti hiburan.

Lalu ada Konooz yang dirancang sebagai aplikasi edukasi bagi keluarga yang mengulas sport, kultur dan fakta islami melalui pertanyaan kuis yang bisa dimainkan seluruh anggota keluarga. Ada juga Arabic Recipe untuk yang memungkinkan pengguna PlayBook memposting resep dan informasi masakan arab ke jejaring sosial untuk dibagi dengan teman.

Aplikasi islami untuk lainnya termasuk diantaranya Mecca, Quran, Medina, Stressless, aplikasi literature islam, Kids Stories yang menawarkan kisah-kisah nabi dan game bernama Memory Cards.

Nokia pun tak ketinggalan turut meramaikan pilihan aplikasi ramadan. Sederet aplikasi ramadan terbaru yang disediakan Ovi Store di tahun ini diantaranya uQuran Micro uQuran, aplikasi Al-Quran dengan user interface yang mudah digunakan. Aplikasi ini juga menawarkan terjemahan per ayat dan 100 persen mendukung Touch Screen. Selain itu ada ARY QTV and ARY Zauq, Al Quran, Qibla Touch, Namaz.me, Weekly Quran & Hadith, Lesson of the Day, Boyoot Allah dan Manasik. Aplikasi ramadan 2011 kompatibel dengan sederet perangkat Nokia termasuk Nokia N8, Nokia E7, Nokia C7, Nokia C3 dan Nokia X2-01.

Terakhir, Android pun tidak kalah. Beberapa aplikasi islami untuk ponsel ini diantaranya Dua & Azkar, 40 Hadith Qudsi, Islamic Stories for Muslims, Celebrities Converts to Islam dan Sayings of Caliphs yang berisi 50 peribahasa berharga dari empat khalifah Islam.

Tentunya, jika Anda mencari lebih dalam lagi akan ada lebih banyak aplikasi islami yang Anda temukan, baik dari developer lokal maupun luar negeri. Semua aplikasi pada dasarnya memiliki fungsi yang sama, yakni menunjang kegiatan ibadah di bulan ramadan agar lebih berkualitas. Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa!

Sumber : Detiknet

Download Angry Birds for PC

Siapa yang tidak mengenal game Angry Birds? Game yang kini sedang naik daun dan digandrungi oleh para pemilik smartphone. Game Angry Birds merupakan suatu game yang fenomenal menjadi game terlaris baik di iPhone (iOS) maupun smartphone Android dan Symbian. Angry Birds juga telah berhasil mencatat kesuksesan yang cukup luar biasa dengan tampil sebagai game yang di-download dalam jumlah yang cukup besar dan dalam waktu yang singkat mencapai tingkat popularitas yang tinggi di setiap application store.

Angry Birds sendiri merupakan game puzzle untuk smartphone yang dikembangkan oleh RovioMobile. Di dalam game ini kita ditantang untuk memecahkan puzzle dengan menghancurkan bangunan tempat bersembunyinya para babi hijau dengan menggunakan keluarga burung yang memiliki berbagai spesialisasi dan fungsi.Yang sering membuat lupa waktu ketika memainkan game ini adalah ketika kita tidak berhasil menghancurkan puzzlenya sehingga harus mengulang-ulang terus dengan strategi yang berbeda. Dan ketika telah berhasil menghancurkan puzzle namun ada yang tidak puas jika tidak mendapatkan 3 bintang kemudian mengulangnya lagi. Walaupun sering mengulang-ulang game ini kita tidak akan merasa bosan malahan akan semakin penasaran untuk mendapatkan nilai tertinggi.

Bagi penggemar Angry Birds yang ingin mencoba memainkan game ini namun tidak memiliki platform iOS, Android, atau Symbian pada smartphone atau di PC tablet sekarang bisa merasakan bagaimana serunya game tersebut. Angry Birds saat ini sudah tersedia untuk Netbook/Laptop dan PC berbasis sistem operasi Windows XP dan Windows 7. Angry Birds untuk platform PC desktop mencakup 195 level.

Klik link Download Angry Birds  di sini untuk mendapatkan game tersebebut.

BlackBerry PlayBook


  • OS: QNX, BlackBerry Tablet OS with with symmetric multiprocessing
  • Processor: 1GHz dual core Texas Instruments OMAP4430
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Storage: 16GB, 32GB, or 64GB internal
  • Display: 7-inch WSVGA, 1024×600
  • Battery: Lithium-ion 5400 mAh
  • Ports: Micro USB, Micro HDMI, 3.5mm headset
  • Weight: 14.4 ounces (425 grams)
  • Dimensions: 7.6(h) x 5.1(w) x 0.4(d) inches
  • Camera: 5MP rear-facing, 3MP front-facing
  • Sensors: Accelerometer, GPS, digital compass, 6-axis gyroscope
  • Keyboard: Virtual QWERTY
  • Networks: LTE, WiMAX, and HSPA+ models later in 2011
  • Wireless: Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n; Bluetooth 2.1+EDR
  • Tethering: Only to a BlackBerry smartphone
  • Price: $499 (16GB), $599 (32GB), $699 (64GB)

Who is it for?

The PlayBook is not for everyone. If you’ve been longing for an iPad, the arrival of the PlayBook is probably not going to change your mind and make you jump to the BlackBerry tablet instead, unless you are a devout BlackBerry smartphone user or you want a tablet primarily for surfing the Web. If you are a BlackBerry smartphone lover who has never even considered switching to iPhone or Android, then the PlayBook is probably the perfect tablet for you. It is is an excellent larger screen companion for your BlackBerry and expands its strengths to include top-notch Web browsing and multimedia capabilities. Speaking of Web browsing, the Web experience on the PlayBook is so good that I think we’re likely to see plenty of users who will buy one just as a Web tablet. The Javascript and Flash performance are excellent on the PlayBook — in terms of Flash, the implementation is significantly smoother and more stable than the Android implementation of Flash. The PlayBook is the first mobile device that provides something close to the full desktop Web experience.

What problems does it solve?

Based on BlackBerry’s overcomplicated smartphone UI that makes users constantly dig through tons of menus, I didn’t have much confidence that BlackBerry could deliver an excellent user experience on a tablet. But, the PlayBook pulled it off. The user experience is simple and self-evident, with no buttons and two basic gestures — swipe-up and swipe-down. It’s as easy to use as the one-button iPad solution, but without just blatantly ripping off Apple. The other big innovation in the PlayBook is the Web browser, as mentioned above. The page-load times are really quick, the fonts render beautifully, and RIM and Adobe worked together to pull off a Flash experience that virtually seamless. For example, you can take a lot of high quality Flash videos on Web page and throw into full screen mode and they look great and render flawlessly. You can even output these high quality videos to an HD TV via the PlayBook’s HDMI port and they still look great.

Standout features

  • UI and performance – The user experience is the biggest surprise of the PlayBook. It is easy to learn, smooth to navigate, and has some of the best and fastest responsiveness that you’ll find on any smartphone or tablet. It is a completely different experience than a BlackBerry smartphone.
  • Full-featured Web browsing – As we’ve already talked about, the Web browsing experience on the PlayBook is excellent. The Flash implementation is well-done. Even though I’m not a fan of Flash, it’s still a big part of the Web and  will be for years, until HTML5 replaces it. Oh, and the PlayBook already handles HTML5 quite nicely.
  • Usable word processor – One my biggest complaints with the iPad is that there isn’t a decent word processing app for taking notes, writing letters/memos, building basic documents, etc. Apple’s Pages app is a little too complicated than it needs to be and apps like iA Writer are nice but almost a little too bare bones. The PlayBook has the happy medium. Its Word To Go app  is the best word processing app I’ve used on a tablet. It is dead simple to use and has the most important basic features for building a good document. Plus, it’s free and installed by default. This is where RIM’s acquisition of Davaviz — the company behind Documents to Go — has really helped.
  • Brilliant for multimedia – The graphics performance and LCD display on the PlayBook are another big plus — and another pleasant surprise since the BlackBerry isn’t known as a multimedia powerhouse (although its high-end phones have been making strides in recent years). The PlayBook is terrific for watching videos and looking at photos. The images are crisp, the colors are vibrant, and the performance is snappy.

What’s wrong?

  • Email and calendar require a BlackBerry – The thing you most often hear the PlayBook getting dinged for is the fact that it didn’t ship with native email, calendar, and contacts apps (RIM says it will add them later this year). What the PlayBook does offer is the ability to use its Bridge feature to connect to a BlackBerry smartphone and then use its email, calendar, and contacts on the PlayBook’s larger screen. However, the actual data never resides on the PlayBook. It remains locked down in the BlackBerry phone, which is a plus for users that need tight security. The other thing to keep in mind is that if you use Web mail such as Gmail or Yahoo Mail, the Web experience on the PlayBook is good enough to handle light email and calendar tasks.
  • Needs more apps – The biggest problem with the BlackBerry PlayBook when you compare it to the iPad is the the lack of apps. On the iPad, apps extend the functionality of the device in lots of different ways, for business, for personal productivity, for entertainment, and much more. While RIM claims that the PlayBook ships with 3,000 tablet-optimized apps — “more than any of our competitors at launch,” according to co-CEO Mike Lazaridis — the problem is that the iPad has 75,000 apps now and a lot of important partners who are committed to the platform. RIM will never be able to compete with that, but if it can forge partnerships to get key apps like Amazon Kindle, Evernote, Dropbox, and Netflix on to the PlayBook, then it would have a much easier time winning over a larger niche market. However, companies appear reticent to jump on the PlayBook bandwagon. Amazon initially announced that it would release a Kindle app for the PlayBook launch, but is dragging its feet in fulfilling that promise.
  • 7-inch form factor has its limits – The thing that limits the great Web and multimedia experience on the PlayBook is the 7-inch screen. There are times when it’s just a little too small to clearly read Web pages and when some of the details can get lost in videos due to the smaller screen.

Bottom line for business

The BlackBerry PlayBook is the perfect choice for two types of tablet buyers — 1.) BlackBerry loyalists who want the perfect compliment to their smartphone and 2.) people who want a tablet primarily for mobile Web browsing from the conference room, couch, bedroom, and other places where you don’t have a full PC and don’t want to whip out a laptop.

For high security enterprises and government organizations that are already committed to the BlackBerry platform and have employees clamoring for iPads, the BlackBerry PlayBook is potentially an excellent tablet solution to run private apps and intranet services.