Jasa Sablon Kaos Satuan TERMURAH di Depok, hubungi SANDI Telp & WA 0812-8552-5854 – PIN BB D3336BA3. Twitter: @kaosdepokcom
Bagi anda yang mencari jasa sablon kaos satuan bisa ke Kaos Depok. KaosDepok.Com bergerak dalam jasa sablon kaos satuan baik untuk pribadi, promosi, instansi, komunitas maupun distro. Bahan yang dipakai memakai bahan dan sablon terbaik, dengan harga murah dan hasil berkualitas. Tekni sablon yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan teknik Sablon Digital ( DTG ) yang bisa melayani sablon satuan/lusinan/grosiran.
Berikut beberapa hasil cetakan kaos dari Kaos Depok :
Bahan kaos yang digunakan yaitu cotton combed 20s dengan kualitas bahan dan jahitan standard distro. Jahit rantai pada kerah dan bahu, bahan dijamin adem dan menyerap keringat.
Good news! We have upgraded some payment features to make your user experience even better. Be sure to read carefully so you don’t miss any of these new upgrades.
Welcome eCheck & Western Union
Now you can get paid via Western Union and eCheck. Western Union delivers your payment to one of its many locations worldwide, and eCheck functions similarly to Bank Wire. Follow the directions here to choose one of these payment options.
Easy Electronic Tax Forms
Many of our valued publishers forget a very important step before receiving Infolinks payment – you must submit your US Tax forms! Now you can conveniently submit your tax form electronically online in your Infolinks account. This will ensure that you receive your Infolinks payment on time, once you’ve reached the minimum payment threshold.
Payment Fees and Thresholds
Stay informed about Infolinks Payment Policies. Depending on the payment method you choose, there may be fees when receiving your Infolinks payment.
Bank Wire Transfers – $25 plus 2% to receive your payment via your local currency PayPal – US Residents $1, everyone else 2% up to $10 eCheck – $6 plus 2% for currency conversion Western Union – $15 minimum ACH and Payoneer – No fees
The minimum payment threshold is still $50, unless you choose Bank Wire Transfer or Western Union, then the minimum is $100. Check out our blog to learn more.
Also, you are now able to set your own personal payment threshold in order to not pay the above mentioned fees as often. Learn more here.
Setelah kemarin bisa masuk ke dalam control panel webhosting saya di Hostgator, ternyata hal itu tidak berlaku untuk hari ini. Setelah saya cek di email ada pemberitahuan bahwa saya harus mengirimkan foto copy KTP saya agar account di Hostgator bisa aktif kembali. Setelah mengirimkan hasil scan KTP saya kemudian biar lebih cepat aktif saya lakukan chatting dengan support Hostgator. Berikut sedikit kutipan hasil chatt saya :
Chat ID: 5527588. Question: My Domain Name is:”bestxxxxxx.com” active account
(11:38:11am)System:Customer has entered chat and is waiting for an agent.
(11:45:37am)Chris M.:Welcome to HostGator LiveChat. I’d be glad to assist you today.
(11:45:39am)Chris M.:How can I assist you?
(11:46:00am)wawan:my account now is disable
(11:46:15am)wawan:and i already send my copy ID
(11:46:23am)Chris M.:So I can fully assist you with this, can you verify the last 4 digits of the credit card you used to pay us? Or if you used PayPal to pay us can you tell us the last Unique Transaction ID they gave you?
(11:47:06am)wawan:ok , one minute please .. i want check my paypal
(11:47:14am)Chris M.:OK
(11:48:25am)wawan:this my Unique Transaction ID # ###############
(11:48:36am)Chris M.:Thank you one moment
(11:49:51am)Chris M.:Thank you
(11:55:02am)Chris M.:OK your account is now acive
(11:55:04am)Chris M.:*active
(11:55:35am)wawan:ok , thank u for your help
(11:55:53am)Chris M.:you’re welcome
(11:55:54am)Chris M.:Is there anything else I can help you with today?
(11:56:52am)wawan:Can I try to login first ?
(11:57:09am)wawan:to make sure it is running
(11:58:05am)Chris M.:Sure
(11:58:56am)wawan:ok now everything is running perfectly
(11:59:11am)wawan:Thank you once again
(12:00:12pm)Chris M.:you’re welcome
(12:00:14pm)Chris M.:Thank you for using HostGator Live Chat. If you could take a minute to let us know if your questions were answered and/or your support request was resolved, it would help us to improve our customer service. To do that, just click the button that says “Rate and Exit” in the upper right hand corner. The survey takes less than a minute to fill out.
Setelah saya coba masuk kedalam control panel hosting saya, akhirnya saya bisa kembali login dengan sukses. Jika ada yang mengalami hal yang sama mungkin bisa mencoba cara saya ini. Terima kasih buat team supportnya Hostgator 🙂
Buat para internet marketer sepertinya di tahun 2012 ini ada kabar yang sangat menyenangkan dan selama ini ditunggu oleh fans adsense. Sekarang google adsense sudah mendukung blog – blog yang berbahasa indonesia, jadi buat blog bahasa indonesia yang visitornya udah ribuan siap-siap saja kebanjiran adsense 🙂
Berikut sedikit kutipan dari google tentang google adsense support bahasa indonesia :
We’re glad to announce that Indonesian has just joined the family of AdSense supported languages. Let’s celebrate by raising our hands in a kecak dance, watching a wayang kulit show or cooking traditional Indonesian recipes.
If you have a website in Bahasa Indonesia, you’ll now be able to earn money by showing Google AdSense ads. To get started, sign up for an AdSense account. We’ll review your application and in the meantime, we recommend you get familiar with the basics of AdSense and our policies.
If you already have an AdSense account, simply implement AdSense on your site in Bahasa Indonesia to start displaying contextually targeted ads.
You can now also implement AdSense for Mobile content on your mobile sites in Bahasa Indonesia. Check out our Help Center to learn how to implement AdSense on a mobile site.
Ayo tambah semangat lagi ngeblognya biar earning tambah naik terus 🙂